An African Information Management Company, focusing on bringing business efficiencies and effectiveness. Making sure infomation is secure, accessible and optimized both in physical and electronic form.

An African Information Management Company, focusing on bringing business efficiencies and effectiveness. Making sure infomation is secure, accessible and optimized both in physical and electronic form.

Products and Services

Products and Services


Our services range from consulting on record file plans, governance and compliance through to physical storage and associated services for physical records (active and archive). This includes provision of storage materials and equipment, storage of records, data tapes and other valuable artefacts as well as confidential shredding and destruction.


Digital conversion services for current and backlog documents starting with document prepping, scanning with OCR capability and indexing. Digital images with quality metadata can be analyzed using exception reports for better business intelligence.


Digital storage of all content. Documents can be scanned directly, simply added from a digital mail room or directly by a user. incorporate digital workflows and AI to eliminate physical documents and create a true digital workspace.


Our services range from consulting on record file plans, governance and compliance through to physical storage and associated services for physical records (active and archive). This includes provision of storage materials and equipment, storage of records, data tapes and other valuable artefacts as well as confidential shredding and destruction.


Digital conversion services for current and backlog documents starting with document prepping, scanning with OCR capability and indexing. Digital images with quality metadata can be analyzed using exception reports for better business intelligence.


Digital storage of all content. Documents can be scanned directly, simply added from a digital mail room or directly by a user. incorporate digital workflows and AI to eliminate physical documents and create a true digital workspace.

Customer Journey


  • File Planning
  • Governance
  • Compliance


  • Onsite Active Filing
    and Storage Solutions
  • Deep Storage
  • Tape Storage
  • Shelving
  • Filing Stationary


  • Paper to Digital
  • Tape to Digital
  • Microfilm to Digital
  • Microfiche to Digital
  • Secure Destruction

Digital Services

  • Workflow
  • Process Automation
  • Hosting
  • Security

Customer Journey


  • File Planning
  • Governance
  • Compliance


  • Onsite Active Filing and Storage Solutions
  • Deep Storage
  • Tape Storage
  • Shelving
  • Filing Stationary


  • Paper to Digital
  • Tape to Digital
  • Microfilm to Digital
  • Microfiche to Digital
  • Secure Destruction

Digital Services

  • Workflow
  • Process Automation
  • Hosting
  • Security

Paper Services

Deep Storage


Storage Products


Physical record management, also known as paper record management, refers to the systematic organization, storage, and retrieval of physical documents and records within an organization or institution. This process involves the careful handling, cataloging, and preservation of paper-based records, such as contracts, invoices, personnel files, and other important documents.

Despite the digital revolution, physical record management remains crucial for many organizations, as it provides a tangible and reliable backup, ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and serves as a vital resource for historical and archival purposes.

Paper Services

Deep Storage


Storage Products


Physical record management, also known as paper record management, refers to the systematic organization, storage, and retrieval of physical documents and records within an organization or institution. This process involves the careful handling, cataloging, and preservation of paper-based records, such as contracts, invoices, personnel files, and other important documents.

Despite the digital revolution, physical record management remains crucial for many organizations, as it provides a tangible and reliable backup, ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and serves as a vital resource for historical and archival purposes.

Conversion Services

Paper to Digital

Microfilm to Digital

Microfiche to Digital

Any Analogue to Digital Conversion

Document conversion from paper to digital refers to the process of transforming physical documents into digital format for easier storage, retrieval, and management. This conversion involves scanning or capturing the contents of paper documents using specialized equipment, such as scanners or document imaging systems.

It enables organizations to digitize their paper-based records, enabling faster information retrieval, efficient collaboration, and seamless integration with electronic systems.

Conversion Services

Paper to Digital

Sanning Service

Cloud Storage

Secure Cloud Access

Document conversion from paper to digital refers to the process of transforming physical documents into digital format for easier storage, retrieval, and management. This conversion involves scanning or capturing the contents of paper documents using specialized equipment, such as scanners or document imaging systems.

It enables organizations to digitize their paper-based records, enabling faster information retrieval, efficient collaboration, and seamless integration with electronic systems.

Digital Services

Electronig Filling & Storage

Robotic Process Automation

Cloud Content Management

Automated Workflows

Digital document storage refers to the practice of storing electronic files and documents in a secure digital environment, such as cloud storage or dedicated servers. It offers several benefits compared to traditional physical document storage.

Collaboration and sharing become seamless with digital document storage, as multiple users can access and work on the same document simultaneously from different locations. Furthermore, version control and document tracking features ensure that the most up-to-date information is always available.

Legal Compliance Problem

Compliance in most industries demand that institutional records of vital historical, fiscal, and legal value are identified and preserved, and that non-essential records are discarded in a timely manner according to established guidelines and identified legislation. Across Africa, our experience has shown this practice has been fully realised, with most companies reliant on in house teams and very little guidelines on how to handle this vital function.

Our Business Offer

A professional records management Dataguard offers companies a more effective way of managing current records of both physical and electronic. A reduced / eliminated level of record-keeping redundancies; reduced costs for records storage equipment and supplies; and increased usable office space through the elimination of unnecessary file storage. Most importantly, as a professional records management partner who helps facilitate institutional accountability and timely access to information.

Our Solution

We also offer physical data storage and associated services.
These services will include:

• Filing system planning
• Preparing documents for off-site storage
• Provision of storage materials (Files/boxes/labels)
• Transportation of physical document to and from site
• Secure off site storage of documents
• Scheduled/Planned document destruction
• Conversion of physical records into digital form

These services will be available for documents stored at file level
(Appropriate for active documents that are required on a regular basis),
box level ( for documents that are being archived for longer periods) or for
electronic records stored in physical form (tapes, disks and other physical media).

Also available as part of the physical aspect of the business will be physical
conversion services, including scanning of physical documents into electronic
format, conversion of microfilm or microfiche into electronic images.

Why You Need DataGuard

with legal and regulatory requirements

Professional Record management
services are essential for organisations where compliance is a must. For tax purposes all companies are required to keep their financial records for at least 6 years.

Institutional Memory

Professional record keeping makes
access to these records by the
appropriate personnel easy.

Clean Audits

Allows audits to be done remotely
and be spread throughout the year
without requiring finance and other
staff to spend a lot of the time
searching and providing documents
to the auditors.

Improve Effeciency

In the provision of providing supporting documents to suppliers,regulators &customers (Signed bills for effecient collections).

Reduced/Eliminated level of
record-keeping redundancies

With its concomitant reduced costs
for records storage equipment and
supplies; and increased usable office
space through the elimination of
unnecessary file storage with the
resultant saving on rentals.

A professional records
management partner

Provides institutionalaccountability
and timely access to information.

Why You Need DataGuard

Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements

Professional Record management
services are essential for organisations where compliance is a must. For tax purposes all companies are required to keep their financial records for at least 6 years.

Institutional Memory

Professional record keeping makes access to these records by the appropriate personnel easy.

Clean Audits

Allows audits to be done remotely and be spread throughout the year without requiring finance and other staff to spend a lot of the time searching and providing documents to the auditors.

Improve Effeciency

In the provision of providing supporting documents to suppliers, regulators &customers (Signed bills for effecient collections).

Reduced/Eliminated level of record-keeping redundancies

With its concomitant reduced costs for records storage equipment and supplies; and increased usable office space through the elimination of unnecessary file storage with the resultant saving on rentals.

A professional records management partner

Provides institutional accountability and timely access to information.

Offering Digital Document Management Systems





DataGuard, in partnership with Metrofile offers a whole range of systems that make it easy for organisation to automate the handling of electronic records from easy search and retrieval, workflow through to robotics process automation.

Offering Digital Document Management Systems





DataGuard, in partnership with Metrofile offers a whole range of systems that make it easy for organisation to automate the handling of electronic records from easy search and retrieval, workflow through to robotics process automation.

Offering Digital Document Management Systems





DataGuard, in partnership with Metrofile offers a whole range of systems that make it easy for organisation to automate the handling of electronic records from easy search and retrieval, workflow through to robotics process automation.

Product Portfolio in Partnership with Metrofile

DataGuard offers the following solutions in partnership with Metrofile.

Content Management

  • Proprietary to Metrofile VYSION
  • Mature product 16+ years
  • Over 400 clients across Africa
  • Auto Ingest and Capture, File Plan management.
  • Rest API for integration
  • Cloud, VPN or On Premise installations


  • Locally developed and supported
  • Approvals
  • On-boarding
  • Web forms and API
  • Intergration

Electronic Filing & Storage

  • Simplifies document filing
  • Document tracking
  • Physical file management

Robotic Process Automation

  • Rule based repetitive task
  • Streamlines workflows
  • Non-invasive
  • Boost productivity

Offline Preservation

  • 35mm film to a digital information carrier
  • Proven longevity of 750 years
  • Immutable to change, viruses or ransomware
  • The Artic World Archive

Fixed Assets Lifecycle Management

  • Manage all asset data
  • Physical and financial information
  • Barcode and/or RFID
  • Book depreciation, reconciliations, and manage mass additions, disposals, transfers, and other modifications on assets

Product Portfolio in Partnership with Metrofile

DataGuard offers the following solutions in partnership with Metrofile.

Content Management

  • Proprietary to Metrofile VYSION
  • Mature product 16+ years
  • Over 400 clients across Africa
  • Auto Ingest and Capture, File Plan management.
  • Rest API for integration
  • Cloud, VPN or On Premise installations


  • Locally developed and supported
  • Approvals
  • On-boarding
  • Web forms and API
  • Intergration

Electronic Filing & Storage

  • Simplifies document filing
  • Document tracking
  • Physical file management

Robotic Process Automation

  • Rule based repetitive task
  • Streamlines workflows
  • Non-invasive
  • Boost productivity

Offline Preservation

  • 35mm film to a digital information carrier
  • Proven longevity of 750 years
  • Immutable to change, viruses or ransomware
  • The Artic World Archive

Fixed Assets Lifecycle Management

  • Manage all asset data
  • Physical and financial information
  • Barcode and/or RFID
  • Book depreciation, reconciliations, and manage mass additions, disposals, transfers, and other modifications on assets

Why Use DataGuard?

Improved level of service for internal staff, partners and customers of the organisation

Faster Document retrieval

Guaranteed document search result with agreed SLA’s

Reduced risk of document loss

From the desk access to data via proposed software platforms

Improved staff effeciency through the availability of automation tools

Streamlined business processes

Easier to enforce compliance with record keeping rules

Enhances business continuity through electronic copies and off site storage

Reduce the need for capital investment in the Document storage space

Assistance with Digital Transformation process


No Obligation


Please contact your nearest DataGuard office for a presentation of our services and/or an intial consultation of how we can help you remain compliance with the record management regulations in your industry.

Improved level of service for internal staff, partners and customers of the organisation

Faster Document retrieval

Guaranteed document search result with agreed SLA’s

Reduced risk of document loss

From the desk access to data via proposed software platforms

Improved staff effeciency through the availability of automation tools

Streamlined business processes

Easier to enforce compliance with record keeping rules

Enhances business continuity through electronic copies and off site storage

Reduce the need for capital investment in the Document storage space

Assistance with Digital Transformation process


No Obligation


Please contact your nearest DataGuard office for a presentation of our services and/or an intial consultation of how we can help you remain compliance with the record management regulations in your industry.

Our Reach in Africa





